Upcoming Opportunity to Provide Concierge Services at Miami International Airport (MIA)

Miami International Airport Introduces its first concessions procurement program


In the coming weeks Miami-Dade County plans to solicit experienced vendors to provide a concierge service program at MIA. As the leading economic engine for Miami-Dade County and the State of Florida, the Aviation Department at MIA has established goals and objectives to better meet or exceed the demands of today and tomorrow’s traveling public. 

More specifically, the Department is looking for a qualified firm to develop and provide a concierge service program that will increase revenues to the airport, maximize the passenger experience, and enhance MIA’s image as a customer-friendly global airport. 

The concierge services proposed may include, but are not limited to, the following: airport meet and greet, airport lounge access, manage booking, assist through TSA, coordinate transportation, special needs travel assistance, provide language interpretation, shopping and personalized services, as well as security arrangements for high profile passengers. Primarily, the majority of the services rendered are expected from Passengers traversing from the Central and South Terminals at MIA

To obtain the bid, the Department requires the concessionaire to be a registered vendor in the county, perform all services at MIA, have an agreement in place with the County, provide a staff that speaks a secondary language, meet the badging requirements, and obtain access from Aviation and TSA. 

Because this will be MIA’s first concierge service program, a unique opportunity exists to streamline a new vision that enhances the traveler experience at MIA and create value. 

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Luis is an experienced procurement lawyer and Miami lobbyist serving elected officials, businesses, international clients, and trade associations. He regularly appears before local and state government in order to advance complex objectives for clients against competing interests. He has weathered various competitive processes in Florida including Home Rule Charter Amendments, Recalls, Local, State and Federal campaigns.